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Condominium Board of Directors + Stratastic

Updated: Jul 15

Office employees smiling

So you’ve volunteered as a part of your community’s Condominium Board of Directors in your community? Depending who you ask, they might offer their congratulations, or their condolences. This endeavor that you've selflessly embarked on can be tiresome and, indeed, even thankless, but it can also be immensely educational and rewarding.

By becoming a member of your condominium board, you’ve committed to doing something… but what exactly is that? Where, and how, do you start? And, perhaps most importantly, who can you rely on for sound advice, especially if you haven’t yet built trusting relationships just yet?

Stratastic is here to help, and not by telling you what to think or who to trust, but by giving you the resources needed to conduct due diligence until you are comfortable with how you’re thinking things through and confident in your final decisions.

Stratastic’s goal is to interconnect the aspects that spell success for Directors' condominium boards, such as:

  • Objective and diverse resources, such as an extensive Resource Library, Vendor Directory, Events, and Insights/News. Users (such as yourself!) can save important resources and contacts to their private profiles.

  • Automated condo-specific reminders (ex: important budget and owner’s meetings dates), with the ability for each user to further personalize their planners. Just set it, and you won’t forget it - because we do the rest!

  • Access to easy-to-use tools, such as automated tools to calculate important meeting/task deadlines (AMGs, budgets, owner’s meetings, etc.).

Because Directors always have a special place in our hearts, we have even more exciting features up our sleeve for you in the near future! Be sure to Register Now so you can be the first to know!

-Stratastic Inc.

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to our blog, and be the first to receive informative content such as this!

Updated on April 13, 2024.


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