The Shortfall of Condo Reserve Fund Studies and What To Do If Your Condo Corporation Needs to Borrow MoneySep 9
How Condo Communities Can Take Action Against Harassment: Top Takeaways for Condo Managers, Boards, Residents, and Vendors (Pt 6/6)Apr 10
Resources, Events, and Online Property Management Courses in Ontario: Let's Celebrate Online Learning Day!7 days ago
The Shortfall of Condo Reserve Fund Studies and What To Do If Your Condo Corporation Needs to Borrow MoneySep 9
Celebrating the Condo Managers, Vendors, Residents, and Volunteer Boards Who Keep Our Condos Running Smoothly: Happy Labour Day from Stratastic!Sep 2
Emergency Prep and Planning in Condos: Organizing Emergency Contacts And Other 5 Tips For Condo ManagersAug 28
Stratastic Inc.May 9, 20235 minTop 40 Tips for Condo Board Meetings": A Condo Director's Cheat Sheet to Meeting + Decision-Making Best PracticesUnderstanding the best practices for meetings and decision-making for condo directors isn't easy; here's a cheat sheet with our top 40 tips!
Stratastic Inc.Apr 25, 20234 minStay Calm + resolve Conflict in your Condo Community: 20 Tips from Prevention to Conflict Resolution StrategiesLooking to keep calm and run your condo like a pro? Tackle this crash course in condo conflict resolution strategies for managers and more!
Resources, Events, and Online Property Management Courses in Ontario: Let's Celebrate Online Learning Day!
The Shortfall of Condo Reserve Fund Studies and What To Do If Your Condo Corporation Needs to Borrow Money
Celebrating the Condo Managers, Vendors, Residents, and Volunteer Boards Who Keep Our Condos Running Smoothly: Happy Labour Day from Stratastic!