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Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Laura Gaskil
Publication date:
October 9, 2022
Article Summary: 

Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist
Fall is a great time to take care of big home repair projects and boost energy efficiency. To do this, it is important to stock up on winter supplies, check the condition of snow shovels and ice scrapers, pick up pet- and plant-safe ice melt, restock emergency kits, have a snow blower serviced and purchase fuel, shut off exterior faucets and store hoses, and drain hoses and store them indoors. These tasks can help ensure that your home and yard are ready for winter. Drain and winterize irrigation system, check walkways, railings, stairs and the driveway for winter safety, test outdoor lights and replace bulbs, test smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, check the expiration date on fire extinguishers, and check your home for radon. Fall is a good time to check for radon, as it is more likely to become trapped in a home with a radon level of 4 or above. If you find that your home has radon, hire a contractor qualified to fix radon issues.


driveway, landscape, environmental protection agency, home

Source Citation: 
Laura Gaskil
Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist
October 9, 2022
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