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You Get What You Pay For

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
November 24, 2021
Article Summary: 

The cost of hiring condominium managers in Ontario has increased due to demands placed on them by the Condo Act and the Condominium Authority of Ontario. Licensing costs, insurance premiums, continuing education fees, and firm license fees have also increased. Demands and responsibilities have grown, and condominium managers are expected to make immediate decisions, represent their corporation before the Condominium Authority Tribunal, and defend themselves in front of their regulatory tribunal. Experienced managers and management companies are commanding greater financial compensation, and lower-cost service providers are disappearing. Condominium corporations may consider self-management, but this may eliminate the possibility of long-term savings.


condominium managers, Condo Act, Condominium Authority of Ontario, consumer protection, licensing costs, insurance premiums, continuing education fees, firm license fees, self-management.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
You Get What You Pay For
November 24, 2021
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