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Winning by Pulling Together
Mahassen Mahmoud
Publication date:
April 12, 2019
Article Summary:
YCC76, a large condominium corporation with 1420 units, conducted an experiment in participatory development during two consecutive AGMs. The condo is diverse, with residents from various backgrounds, and it is self-managed with 12 volunteer board members. To enhance social inclusion and democratic decision-making, the board initiated a data collection exercise in 2017, followed by identifying values and guiding principles through flip-charts and community engagement forums in 2018. The process encouraged over 60 owners to volunteer in various committees, fostering owner engagement and healthy relations. The City of Toronto recognized YCC76's efforts and organized a forum to enhance healthy communities, with YCC76 actively participating in the partnership-based event. Further discussions and communication with all owners are planned to expand the guiding principles and enhance decision-making at the board level.
YCC76, Condominium corporation, Participatory development, Direct democracy, Civic engagement, Social diversity, Self-managed, Board members, Property managers, Budget, Operations, Aging buildings, Repair projects, Crescent Town, City of Toronto, Vision, Mission, Guiding principles, Data collection, Community Engagement Forum, Transparency, Communication, Accountability, Social inclusion, Owner engagement, Healthy relations, Community development, Partnership-based event, Decision-making
Source Citation:
Mahassen Mahmoud
Winning by Pulling Together
April 12, 2019
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