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Who Attends the Annual General Meeting

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
February 28, 2018
Article Summary: 

The blog discusses the importance of attending an annual general meeting (AGM) for condominium owners. The article highlights the AGM's purpose, which is to review the condo's financial statements, elect new board members, and discuss any relevant issues or proposed changes. The article emphasizes that attending the AGM is a chance for owners to voice their concerns, make suggestions, and be informed about the condo's operations. It also suggests that attending the AGM is a responsibility of ownership and a way to ensure effective governance.


annual general meeting, condominium owners, financial statements, board members, relevant issues, effective governance, responsibility, ownership, and informed.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
Who Attends the Annual General Meeting
February 28, 2018
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