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What to Do When Your Water Heater Leaks

Rainbow Restoration
Publication date:
October 31, 2021
Article Summary: 

This blog post talks about the steps you can take when your water heater leaks. The author emphasizes the importance of taking immediate action and shutting off the power and water supply to the unit. They also suggest contacting a professional plumber or water damage restoration company to assess the situation and make any necessary repairs or replacements. The article also provides some tips for preventing water heater leaks in the future, such as regularly flushing the tank and replacing old or damaged components.


water heater, leaks, immediate action, shut off, power, water supply, professional plumber, water damage restoration, prevent, flushing, tank, components.

Source Citation: 
Rainbow Restoration
What to Do When Your Water Heater Leaks
October 31, 2021
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