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What are Condominium Documents?
Michelle Kelly
Publication date:
August 24, 2018
Article Summary:
This blog post explains what condominium documents are and why they are important for condominium owners and buyers. The post defines condominium documents as a set of legal and administrative documents that govern the operation and management of a condominium corporation. The post outlines the various types of condominium documents, such as the declaration, by-laws, rules, budgets, and financial statements. The post notes that these documents are important because they provide information on the rights and responsibilities of condominium owners, as well as the financial health and management of the condominium corporation. The post also provides information on how to obtain and review condominium documents.
condominium documents, legal, administrative, governance, declaration, by-laws, rules, budgets, financial statements, condominium owners, buyers, financial health, management.
Source Citation:
Michelle Kelly
What are Condominium Documents?
August 24, 2018
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