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What Are Building Schemes and How Do They Work?

David Lu
Publication date:
December 17, 2018
Article Summary: 

The article discusses a court case involving a building scheme where a dispute arose between the owner-residents and the co-tenancy association regarding exterior alterations undertaken by the applicants to their unit's rooftop deck. The article explains that building schemes involve a set of restrictions on the use of land that both benefits and burdens all homes within the building scheme. In this particular case, the ability of owners to alter the exterior of their units was restricted to ensure consistency and preserve the community's look and feel. The court found that the restriction on exterior alterations was valid and enforceable.


Building schemes, co-tenancy agreement, exterior alterations, community of interests, Ontario.

Source Citation: 
David Lu
What Are Building Schemes and How Do They Work?
December 17, 2018
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