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What’s The ‘Profile’ Of Today’s Landlords?

Toronto Realty Blog
Publication date:
November 21, 2022
Article Summary: 

The blog recounts the author's experience with their first landlord, who was hands-on and took landlording seriously. Nowadays, the rental market in Toronto is so competitive that landlords do the choosing, and tenants don't care much about who their landlords are. The author highlights the problem of investor/landlords who hire agents to lease their units and don't take care of their properties. The author praises cooperating agents who ask about the landlords' profile and notes that Vancouver has more "mom-and-pop" landlords compared to other Canadian cities.


landlords, Toronto, renting, property management, Vancouver, mom-and-pop landlords.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Realty Blog
What’s The ‘Profile’ Of Today’s Landlords?
November 21, 2022
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