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Water in your Home – Façade Repair and Restoration

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
November 25, 2020
Article Summary: 

The blog talks about water infiltration in condos and its effects on the building's façade. Water can seep through the tiniest of cracks and eventually lead to structural damage, mold, and expensive repair costs. It's crucial to identify and address water infiltration as soon as possible to avoid further damage. The blog suggests that routine inspections, proper caulking, and regular maintenance of the building envelope can help prevent water infiltration. If water infiltration is already present, the blog recommends immediate action and seeking the help of a professional.


water infiltration, façade, structural damage, mold, repair costs, inspections, caulking, maintenance, building envelope, professional help.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
Water in your Home – Façade Repair and Restoration
November 25, 2020
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