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Using the STAR Method to Crush Your Next Interview

Ariel Lopez
Publication date:
May 21, 2019
Article Summary: 

Using the STAR Method to Crush Your Next Interview

The STAR Method is a structured way to respond to behavioral interview questions that are situational, such as "How would you balance workload across a team?" It consists of four steps: situation, task, action and result. To begin, describe a related situation or task from a previous job, volunteer experience or anything that's relevant. Once the context is clear, go to the specific task that you had to do and be clear about what that task was. Finally, speak directly to the question as posed and be detailed enough to inform the interviewer. The most important details in this text are that the task should be set up with clarity and relevancy so that the next step in the STAR method can be taken.

It is important to be specific about your actions and contribution, use first-person singular, and not take credit for others' work. The result should be positive and positive, and the STAR method works if you follow the steps and are specific and not overly detailed in your answers. Prepare yourself by having a library of situations memorized in short, descriptive ways. Make sure those descriptions are tied to a story that begins, has a middle and ends, and keep it positive even if the situation or task didn't end that way. Be honest and stick to the facts, as interviewers can usually tell when someone is making more of something.


STAR Method, behavioral interview, behavioral questions, skills based interview, STAR Interviewing Technique. How To Give A STAR Interview.

Source Citation: 
Ariel Lopez
Using the STAR Method to Crush Your Next Interview
May 21, 2019
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