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Two Key Components Of New Construction for 2022

Aircon Mechanical Systems Inc.
Publication date:
July 25, 2022
Article Summary: 

The blog post discusses two essential components of new construction for 2022 - energy efficiency and HVAC systems. The article highlights the importance of incorporating energy conservation measures in new construction, such as airtight building envelopes and high-performance insulation. It also emphasizes the role of HVAC systems in ensuring a healthy indoor environment, as well as the benefits of incorporating smart technologies to optimize energy consumption. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of working with experienced contractors to ensure that new construction meets the highest standards of energy efficiency and indoor air quality.


energy efficiency, HVAC systems, new construction, energy conservation measures, airtight building envelopes, high-performance insulation, indoor air quality, smart technologies, experienced contractors.

Source Citation: 
Aircon Mechanical Systems Inc.
Two Key Components Of New Construction for 2022
July 25, 2022
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