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Turning Frontline Workers into Frontline Leaders

Publication date:
July 14, 2021
Article Summary: 

The manufacturing industry is facing significant labor challenges, including a shortage of frontline leaders. To address this issue, HR teams need to create intentional career paths that will help employees see manufacturing as a rewarding career, not just a job. This can include partnering with educational institutions to develop outreach programs that highlight the benefits of a career in manufacturing and offer hands-on experience. A formalized leadership training program should be developed to help frontline workers develop new leadership skills and advance into leadership positions. To make leadership more attractive, companies should highlight the benefits of becoming a frontline leader, provide a clear description of the personal and professional qualities that are required, and set distinct goals that employees can work toward. Good frontline leaders need to be accessible, visible, approachable, proactive, and effective communicators. Companies need to invest in developing these traits in their frontline workers to ensure a sustainable supply of skilled leaders.


manufacturing industry, frontline workers, labor challenges, career paths, leadership training, benefits, personal and professional qualities, goals, accessible, visible, approachable, proactive, communication skills.

Source Citation: 
Turning Frontline Workers into Frontline Leaders
July 14, 2021
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