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Trespassers and Squatters: 9 Tips to Secure Your Property

Ryan Ricci
Publication date:
November 9, 2021
Article Summary: 

The article discusses 9 tips based on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) to secure condominium and townhome communities from trespassers and squatters. These tips include implementing good lighting in common and low traffic areas, using bright paint colors to increase reflected light, communicating with residents and local police for updates and concerns, restricting access to exterior entrances and common area washrooms, establishing clear access control protocols, conducting a CCTV optimization analysis, installing safety mirrors, hiring additional security for perimeter and high-risk areas, and maintaining the property to deter criminal activity. By following these tips, condominium communities can reduce the opportunities for crime and improve security for residents and their property.


Trespassers, Squatters, CPTED, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, Condominium, Townhome, Security, Lighting, Access Control, CCTV Optimization, Safety Mirrors, Maintenance.

Source Citation: 
Ryan Ricci
Trespassers and Squatters: 9 Tips to Secure Your Property
November 9, 2021
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