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Topless to Fully Clothed – Condo pool dress code
Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
November 25, 2019
Article Summary:
The dress code for condo swimming areas is becoming more complex. While restrictions on clothing may be necessary for sanitary and safety reasons, limitations on bathing attire should not violate human rights legislation. A Scarborough condominium was reported to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario after prohibiting a Muslim family from swimming in long shorts and t-shirts. Similarly, the Ontario criminal code prohibits nudity on private property, but a 1996 ruling permits female toplessness. The Ontario Superior Court ruled in 2012 that differentiating between male and female toplessness is discriminatory and inconsistent with the Human Rights Code. Condo corporations may not impose limitations on allowable bathing attire in swimming areas that are not equally applied to all. The rules should not discriminate against any groups, including gender, age, or religion.
condo, swimming pool, dress code, bathing attire, human rights legislation, sanitary, safety, restrictions, Scarborough, Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, criminal code, nudity, female toplessness, discrimination, Ontario Superior Court, gender, age, religion.
Source Citation:
Toronto Condo News
Topless to Fully Clothed – Condo pool dress code
November 25, 2019
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