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The Triple Constraint In Project Management: Time, Scope & Cost

Jason Westland
Publication date:
January 17, 2022
Article Summary: 

The Triple Constraint In Project Management: Time, Scope & Cost

The Triple Constraint is an important concept in project management, as it is a model of the constraints inherent in managing a project. It states that the success of the project is impacted by its costs, time, and scope. Project managers can keep control of the triple constraint by balancing these three constraints through trade-offs. However, it doesn't determine success, as projects are made from many parts. Project management experts have added three more constraints to the model to better reflect the most critical areas of a project: quality, risk, and benefit.

The Triple Constraint allows project managers to increase or reduce the cost, time and scope of a project with trade-offs to keep it on schedule and under budget. Examples of these trade-offs include reducing the project scope, increasing the length of the project timeline, and reducing the cost and time of the project. There are many more possible trade-offs that can occur in a project, which also involve quality, risk and benefit.


Triple Constraint, trade-off, project management, project schedule, project costs, cost benefit analysis

Source Citation: 
Jason Westland
The Triple Constraint In Project Management: Time, Scope & Cost
January 17, 2022
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