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The Ethical Manager

Ann Horruzey, RCM
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Article Summary: 

Ann Horruzey, RCM, discusses the qualities that define a good ethical manager in the condominium management industry. She emphasizes the fiduciary obligations that managers have towards the corporations they oversee, which involve trust, good faith, and honesty. Horruzey points out that ethical managers handle large budgets, manage shared common elements, and work with reliable contractors to ensure high standards and trust between managers, boards, and residents. She highlights the importance of building an honest rapport with boards, residents, and colleagues, and stresses that reputation, morals, trust, loyalty, education, and knowledge are key factors in distinguishing a good manager from a bad one. Ethical managers help their communities, educate boards, and make decisions in the best interest of the corporation while maintaining their moral and ethical status. Horruzey encourages reporting unethical behavior and upholding professionalism in the industry.


Ann Horruzey, RCM, ethical manager, fiduciary obligations, trust, good faith, honesty, budgets, shared common elements, contractors, rapport, reputation, morals, loyalty, education, knowledge, community, decisions, professionalism.

Source Citation: 
Ann Horruzey, RCM
The Ethical Manager
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