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The Common Theme Between Why Companies Fail and Why Companies Don’t Grow

Mastermind Solutions Inc.
Publication date:
November 30, 2022
Article Summary: 

In this blog, the author discusses the common theme between why companies fail and why companies don't grow. The author argues that the root cause of both issues is a lack of focus on marketing and sales. They suggest that companies often focus on the wrong things, such as cutting costs or expanding too quickly, and fail to prioritize marketing and sales efforts. The author provides examples and data to support their argument, and they conclude by emphasizing the importance of investing in marketing and sales for long-term success.


companies fail, companies don't grow, lack of focus, marketing, sales, cutting costs, expanding too quickly, investing.

Source Citation: 
Mastermind Solutions Inc.
The Common Theme Between Why Companies Fail and Why Companies Don’t Grow
November 30, 2022
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