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Ten Things You Need To Know About Your Conciliation
Tarion Building Confidence
Publication date:
October 25, 2018
Article Summary:
This blog provides ten key things that homeowners should know about the conciliation process in the context of Tarion, a warranty provider for new homes in Ontario, Canada. The article explains what conciliation is and how it differs from other forms of dispute resolution. It also outlines the steps involved in the conciliation process, including how to request a conciliation, what to expect during the meeting, and how to prepare for a successful outcome. The blog emphasizes the importance of understanding the conciliation process and working collaboratively with Tarion to resolve any disputes that may arise.
conciliation process, Tarion, dispute resolution, steps involved, successful outco
Source Citation:
Tarion Building Confidence
Ten Things You Need To Know About Your Conciliation
October 25, 2018
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