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Stop downsizing and start rightsizing

Author: Staff
Publication date:
June 17, 2020
Article Summary: 

The article discusses the concept of "rightsizing" instead of "downsizing" when it comes to making changes to one's home, finances, and lifestyle. Rightsizing is a proactive plan where one can maximize what they have built over time and focus on the life they want to live now and in the future. It is about choosing a home that makes sense for the way one wants to live their life. There are many ways to rightsize, such as selling a large home for a smaller space, moving to a quieter location, renovating to age in place, or minimizing belongings. Rightsizing should also be a key component of financial planning, ensuring that one has the resources to get through retirement years without financial stress. The article offers an example of an active couple in their early sixties who were able to rightsize by purchasing a spacious condo with plenty of amenities and a great view.


rightsizing, downsizing, home, finances, lifestyle, proactive plan, maximize, future, choosing a home, age in place, minimizing belongings, financial planning, retirement, spacious condo, amenities, great view.

Source Citation: Staff
Stop downsizing and start rightsizing
June 17, 2020
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