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Steps To Take When Expecting A Flood

Icon Restoration Services Inc
Publication date:
October 25, 2021
Article Summary: 

The article provides information on steps to take when expecting a flood in Canada. It highlights floods as the most common natural hazard in Canada, and it can occur at any location and any time of the year. It suggests that individuals play a vital role in reducing the impact of floods by taking necessary steps to prepare ahead of time. The article also provides essential steps to take before a flood, such as weatherproofing sealant, downspout drainage, and sump pump installation, and what to do during and after a flood, such as making a family emergency plan, investing in an emergency kit, and checking for damage and clean-up of your home. It also recommends seeking professional cleaning and repair services when necessary.


flood, Canada, natural hazard, property destruction, family emergency plan, emergency kit, weatherproofing sealant, downspout drainage, sump pump, emergency plan, out-of-town contact, First Aid Kit, damage, clean-up, professional cleaning, flood emergency services.

Source Citation: 
Icon Restoration Services Inc
Steps To Take When Expecting A Flood
October 25, 2021
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