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Separating Urgent From Important

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
January 25, 2023
Article Summary: 

The article "Separating Urgent from Important: Managing Priorities for Condo Board Directors" offers advice on how to manage priorities as a condo board director. The author stresses the importance of distinguishing between tasks that are urgent and those that are important, as urgent tasks often take precedence but may not be the most important in the long run. The article provides tips on how to identify and prioritize important tasks, such as setting goals, delegating responsibilities, and using time management tools. The author also emphasizes the importance of communication and collaboration with other board members to effectively manage priorities. Overall, the article provides useful insights for condo board directors looking to manage their workload and focus on what matters most.


Urgent, important, priorities, condo board directors, tasks, goals, delegation, time management, communication, collaboration.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
Separating Urgent From Important
January 25, 2023
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