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Selling in a cooling market: 7 tips for success

Author: Staff
Publication date:
July 4, 2022
Article Summary: 

The article provides seven tips for selling a property in a cooling market. The tips include adjusting expectations, making the property appealing, marketing the property effectively, seeking feedback, considering the bigger picture, remembering that the seller is also a buyer, and selling for the right reasons. The article advises sellers to consult with their agents to set realistic prices and to focus on making their properties attractive through professional staging, repairs, and online marketing. It also emphasizes the importance of being patient and seeking feedback from potential buyers to improve the property's appeal.


cooling market, selling property, adjusting expectations, property appeal, marketing, feedback, seller as a buyer, right reasons.

Source Citation: Staff
Selling in a cooling market: 7 tips for success
July 4, 2022
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