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Sabbath (Shabbat) Elevators in Condominiums

Bradley Chaplick, Francesco Deo
Publication date:
July 20, 2018
Article Summary: 

The article discusses the issue of installing Sabbath (Shabbat) elevators in condominiums to accommodate the religious observance of some Jewish people who abstain from operating electrical switches during the Jewish Sabbath. The article explores whether a condominium community is obligated under the Ontario Human Rights Code to accommodate such requests and how the "Sincere Religious Belief" test and the "Undue Hardship" test are applied in such cases. The article provides a step-by-step guide for a condominium community to handle a resident's request for a Sabbath elevator, including confirming the infringement of religious belief, assessing the significance of the infringement, exploring accommodation options, and seeking legal advice if necessary.


Sabbath Elevators, Shabbat Elevators, Condominiums, Ontario Human Rights Code, Religious Accommodation, Sincere Religious Belief, Undue Hardship, Amselem Case, Human Rights Tribunal, DiSalvo v. Halton Condominium Corporation, Jewish Sabbath, Condominium By-laws, Freedom of Religion, Health and Safety, Cost of Accommodation, Installation Costs, Elevator Service.

Source Citation: 
Bradley Chaplick, Francesco Deo
Sabbath (Shabbat) Elevators in Condominiums
July 20, 2018
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