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Rules for Creating Condo Rules
Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
November 24, 2020
Article Summary:
The article discusses the importance of creating clear and concise rules for condominium owners and tenants. It emphasizes that effective rules should be practical, reasonable, enforceable, and compliant with relevant legislation. The article explains that the process of creating rules should involve consultation with owners and residents to ensure their buy-in and understanding of the rules. The article also suggests that the rules should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changing circumstances and the evolving needs of the community. It concludes that having clear rules can promote a harmonious and safe living environment for all residents and owners.
Condominium rules, condominium owners, tenants, legislation, consultation, review, update, harmonious living.
Source Citation:
Toronto Condo News
Rules for Creating Condo Rules
November 24, 2020
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