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Residential Winter Storm Home Preparedness - More Than Just Frozen Pipes

First Onsite
Publication date:
January 18, 2022
Article Summary: 

The blog provides tips for homeowners to prepare for winter storms and prevent damage to their homes. It emphasizes the importance of inspecting the roof, gutters, and downspouts before the winter season and ensuring that they are in good condition. The article also suggests insulating pipes and sealing doors and windows to prevent drafts and keep heat inside the home. Other tips include having a backup generator and extra supplies such as batteries, flashlights, and blankets in case of a power outage. The blog encourages homeowners to be proactive and take steps to protect their homes before a winter storm hits.


residential, winter storm, home preparedness, damage prevention, roof, gutters, downspouts, insulation, doors, windows, drafts, heat, backup generator, supplies, power outage, proactive.

Source Citation: 
First Onsite
Residential Winter Storm Home Preparedness - More Than Just Frozen Pipes
January 18, 2022
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