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Residential Tenancies Act a Failure

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
June 25, 2019
Article Summary: 

The Residential Tenancies Act has rules that have contributed to high rental accommodation costs. Condo owner-landlords are subject to the same rules as pre-1991 rental properties despite not being provided by private individuals. The Landlord and Tenant Board adheres to rules in the Residential Tenancies Act that are not suited for condo living with landlords being in a stronger financial position to obtain legal expertise. Most tenants are unaware of their rights and landlords have learned to capitalize on this. Misuse of the N11 form is common and places tenants at risk of homelessness. A condo-landlord can provide a signed N11 before the property is sold, causing the tenant to lose the right to remain in the rental property. There are additional protections that the Residential Tenancies Act provides, but enforcing these protections makes the tenant legally liable for interfering with a sale. A rental-only building may be the best solution for those who desire a luxury condo lifestyle without the abuses currently inflicted by some condo-landlords.


Residential Tenancies Act, rental accommodation, condo owner-landlords, Landlord and Tenant Board, pre-1991 rental properties, legal expertise, N11 form, tenant rights, protections, rental-only building, luxury condo lifestyle.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
Residential Tenancies Act a Failure
June 25, 2019
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