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Owner's Meetings

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Requisitioned Meetings

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
January 25, 2019
Article Summary: 

Condominium living often involves community decision-making, and requisitioned meetings play a crucial role in ensuring owners have a voice in important matters. These meetings are distinct from those called by the board of directors, as they are initiated by owners themselves. To kick off a valid requisition, certain criteria must be met. Typically, a minimum percentage of owners must support the call for the meeting, as outlined in the condominium's bylaws or governing documents. Once the requisition is deemed valid, notice requirements come into play. Adequate notice must be given to all owners, detailing the meeting's purpose, date, time, and location, ensuring transparency and participation.

Organizing a requisitioned meeting involves careful planning to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. Owners must collaborate to set the agenda, prioritize topics, and designate a chairperson to facilitate proceedings. Voting procedures are another crucial aspect to consider. Whether it's in-person, mail-in, or electronic, the method must adhere to the condominium's regulations and allow for fair representation of all owners' opinions. During the meeting, the role of the chairperson is pivotal. They maintain order, facilitate discussions, and ensure all voices are heard, fostering a productive environment for decision-making.

Recording the meeting's proceedings is essential for documentation and transparency. Minutes should capture key points discussed, decisions made, and any actions agreed upon. These records serve as a reference point for future meetings and provide clarity on the outcomes of discussions. Overall, requisitioned meetings empower owners to actively participate in the governance of their condominium community, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration among residents.


quorum, quorums, meeting, annual general meeting, right to requisition a meeting, who can requisition a meeting, what are the requirements for a requisitioned meeting, how to requisition a meeting

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
Requisitioned Meetings
January 25, 2019
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