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Reducing Condo Costs Through the Electronic Delivery of Notices

JJ Hiew
Publication date:
October 12, 2018
Article Summary: 

This article discusses the challenges faced by condominium corporations in managing the increased number of mandatory notices and certificates required by the amendments to the Condominium Act, 1998. With the growing frequency of mailed notices, printing and postage costs have become a significant line item in condo budgets. The article suggests utilizing technology, particularly email, to distribute notices electronically and reduce costs. Condo corporations can collect owner email addresses and obtain consent through a simple "Agreement to Receive Notices Electronically" form provided by the Ministry. However, getting owners to respond and provide consent can be challenging, and the article offers various strategies, including incentivizing owners or using condominium governance services to streamline the process.


Condominium Act, 1998, Amendments, Electronic Notice Delivery, Condo Costs, Mandatory Notices, Certificates, New Owner Information Certificate (NOIC), Periodical Information Certificate (PIC), Information Certificate Update (ICU),

Source Citation: 
JJ Hiew
Reducing Condo Costs Through the Electronic Delivery of Notices
October 12, 2018
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