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Protecting Your Trees

Trish Kaplan, CCI (Hon’s)
Publication date:
September 7, 2022
Article Summary: 

The article discusses the severe storm of May 21st, 2022, which caused widespread wind damage, including tornadoes, and impacted many communities in Canada. The storm led to extensive damage to homes, structures, vehicles, and trees. Trees suffered hurricane-style damage, with trunks snapping, splitting, and uprooting due to sustained, gusty winds. The timing of the storm, occurring when trees were full of leaves and the ground was wet, exacerbated the damage. The article emphasizes the importance of tree protection and maintenance in condominium communities and suggests consulting certified arborists to address tree health and risk management. It also highlights the need to be aware of and comply with tree protection by-laws in communities. Additionally, the article advocates for emergency preparedness plans for families and communities to cope with disasters effectively.


Derecho, storm damage, tornadoes, wind damage, insurance claims, HVAC systems, tree protection, tree health, tree maintenance, tree root rot, emergency preparedness, safety plan, tree by-laws.

Source Citation: 
Trish Kaplan, CCI (Hon’s)
Protecting Your Trees
September 7, 2022
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