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Product Update: New Keyboard Shortcuts & Customized Project Views

Brenna Koeneke
Publication date:
May 4, 2022
Article Summary: 

Product Update: New Keyboard Shortcuts & Customized Project Views

ProjectManager's May release provides two new features that further enhance the user experience. These new keyboard shortcuts and customized project views are designed to improve software adoption and appeal to all roles within your organization. The main navigation menu now features four different available keyboard shortcuts, which make it easier and faster than ever for teams to administer projects. Additionally, a customizable sub-navigation menu lets users select their preferred work views, including the list, board, Gantt, sheet, dashboard, files and calendar. These shortcuts can be combined with custom workflow and automation features to reduce busywork and stay keyed in on your progress.

Additionally, there is no reason to not invite your entire team so everyone can work on one tool with the features they like the most. Finally, reach out to support with any questions.


ProjectManager, ProjectManager's May release provides two new features that further enhance the user experience, new keyboard shortcuts, customized project views include the list, board, Gantt, sheet, dashboard and calendar

Source Citation: 
Brenna Koeneke
Product Update: New Keyboard Shortcuts & Customized Project Views
May 4, 2022
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