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Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes: What You Need to Know

Publication date:
January 31, 2023
Article Summary: 

The blog post titled "Preventing and Thawing Frozen Pipes: What You Need to Know" on the ARS Gem website provides valuable information on preventing and dealing with frozen pipes. The post emphasizes the importance of insulation and proper maintenance to prevent pipes from freezing during cold weather. It advises homeowners to insulate exposed pipes, seal air leaks, and keep the thermostat at a consistent temperature. Additionally, the blog post discusses various methods for thawing frozen pipes safely, such as using a hairdryer, heating pad, or warm towels. It highlights the importance of avoiding open flames or using electrical appliances near frozen pipes to prevent accidents. The post also provides guidance on identifying signs of frozen pipes, such as reduced water flow or no water at all, and offers tips on what to do if a pipe bursts. It concludes by emphasizing the significance of seeking professional assistance for complex or severe situations involving frozen pipes.


preventing frozen pipes, thawing frozen pipes, insulation, proper maintenance, cold weather, exposed pipes, air leaks, thermostat, hairdryer, heating pad, warm towels, open flames, electrical appliances, reduced water flow, pipe burst, professional assistance.

Source Citation: 
Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes: What You Need to Know
January 31, 2023
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