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Policing the Butt Flicker

Jason Rivait
Publication date:
March 20, 2018
Article Summary: 

Condominiums are facing challenges related to residents flicking cigarette butts off their balconies, causing annoyance and safety concerns. Enforcing compliance with rules against butt flicking is difficult due to the lack of witnesses to the act. To address this issue, condo boards and property managers can take several steps. They should educate residents about their obligations to report contraventions and implement a campaign to raise awareness. Communication should be consistent and sent through various channels. Property management and security should be on the same page regarding investigating and responding to complaints. Gathering indirect evidence, such as neighbor smoking habits or party-related cigarette butt accumulation, can aid in enforcement. If the issue persists, the condo corporation may consider amending its Rules to prohibit smoking on balconies. Going smoke-free in the building, including units and balconies, may also be an option, but it requires careful consideration and potential consent from the unit owners. While achieving perfect compliance may be challenging, having clear procedures in place can help address the issue effectively.


Condominium, Butt Flicking, Smoking, Compliance, Enforcement, Rules, Smoke-Free, Balcony, Terrace, Property Management, Security, Declaration, Awareness Campaign.

Source Citation: 
Jason Rivait
Policing the Butt Flicker
March 20, 2018
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