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Phone Etiquette Tips for Successful Business Calls

Jennifer Bridges
Publication date:
April 15, 2019
Article Summary: 

Phone Etiquette Tips for Successful Business Calls

Jennifer shared tips for successful business calls, such as setting a time for the call, agreeing on a purpose and outcome, providing prop materials, sending reminders, starting the call on friendly terms, and staying on time. She also added a bonus section with etiquette for conference and video calls, as it is important to maintain a similar level of professionalism when communicating via online project and collaboration tools. Follow an agenda, don't be angry, don't use slang, don't disturb those around you, don't show up unprepared, don't invite anyone without their express permission, don't record a conversation unless you have everyone's approval, and be focused when running a meeting. Technology is changing how we communicate, so it is important to stay on track and address everything that is important. Conference calls are not new, but video ones require a set of standards to ensure success. Jennifer offered three suggestions: strong internet service, making sure all those invited on the call know how to access it, and no doodling or making goofy or bored faces.


conference calls, video calls, business etiquette, conference call etiquette, conference call tips, video call etiquette

Source Citation: 
Jennifer Bridges
Phone Etiquette Tips for Successful Business Calls
April 15, 2019
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