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Phase-Gate Process In Project Management: A Quick Guide

Alyssa Scavetta
Publication date:
November 5, 2019
Article Summary: 

Phase-Gate Process In Project Management: A Quick Guide

The phase-gate process is a linear project management concept punctuated by stages of development followed by benchmarks for assessment. It is ideal for projects that involve large teams across multiple departments, and is typically used for new product developments, software/app/website launches and business-wide changes. It is a collaboration-driven process, with five key steps: ideation, scoping, risk factors, and financial buy-in. These steps are designed to prevent the project from continuing to the next phase without buy-in from key stakeholders.
The most important details in this text are the three phases of a product launch: the ideation phase, the case plan, and the feasibility phase. The ideation phase involves defining and analyzing the product, while the case plan involves building a business case and project plan. The feasibility phase involves reviewing the resources, time and money needed to make the project happen successfully. Finally, the development phase involves all key stakeholders and investors getting started, with the dev team developing, the copy team writing, and the design team designing. This phase is where all the details of the project have been ironed out and the product really starts to take shape.


phase-gate process, project management process, project planning, project management methodology, product development, software launch, business development, new product launch

Source Citation: 
Alyssa Scavetta
Phase-Gate Process In Project Management: A Quick Guide
November 5, 2019
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