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Purchasing a Condo

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Our Top Blogs To Read Right Now If You're Thinking About Buying a Pre-Construction Condo

Toronto Realty Boutique
Publication date:
November 30, 2022
Article Summary: 

The blog provides guidance on buying a pre-construction condo in Toronto. The author explains the benefits of buying a pre-construction condo, such as the ability to customize the unit and potential price appreciation, as well as some of the potential risks, such as construction delays and changes to the project. The blog also offers advice on how to research and select a reputable developer, as well as how to review the condo's disclosure statement and purchase agreement. The author suggests that buyers should work with a real estate agent and lawyer who specialize in pre-construction condo sales to ensure that they are fully informed and protected throughout the buying process.


pre-construction condo, Toronto, customization, price appreciation, construction delays, project changes, reputable developer, disclosure statement, purchase agreement, real estate agent, lawyer.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Realty Boutique
Our Top Blogs To Read Right Now If You're Thinking About Buying a Pre-Construction Condo
November 30, 2022
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