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Ontario’s Asbestos Removal & Disposal Regulations

Icon Restoration Services Inc
Publication date:
April 19, 2021
Article Summary: 

The article discusses Ontario's asbestos removal and disposal regulations. It explains the purpose of asbestos removal regulations and the dangers of asbestos. The article mentions that the Occupational Health and Safety Act specifies how and when to detect asbestos and that any building over two floors or non-residential in the province must undergo a prescribed substance survey. The article also highlights Ontario Regulation 278/05, which covers how asbestos is removed in great detail, and how asbestos can only be disposed of in Ontario's designated dump sites. The article concludes by addressing the difficulties faced in Ontario's abatement regulations and the limitations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.


asbestos, removal, disposal, regulations, Occupational Health and Safety Act, designated substance survey, Ontario Regulation 278/05, abatement, dump sites.

Source Citation: 
Icon Restoration Services Inc
Ontario’s Asbestos Removal & Disposal Regulations
April 19, 2021
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