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OKRs: 7 Tips on How to Set Your Objectives and Key Results

Publication date:
October 6, 2022
Article Summary: 

This article discusses Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) which are a proven method for businesses to set and achieve key business objectives. It outlines the different types of OKRs that businesses can set, such as growing revenue or improving marketplace positioning, and how individuals can write their own OKRs by collaborating with team members. The article also offers seven best practices for setting successful OKRs, such as keeping them simple, being specific, cascading objectives, making them measurable, and celebrating progress. Lastly, it mentions how Paycor's Talent Development product can help businesses develop and implement OKRs.


Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), business objectives, revenue growth, marketplace positioning, individual OKRs, team collaboration, best practices, simplicity, specificity, cascading objectives, measurability, progress celebration, Paycor, Talent Development product.

Source Citation: 
OKRs: 7 Tips on How to Set Your Objectives and Key Results
October 6, 2022
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