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March jobs data “must be worrying” to the Bank of Canada

Steve Huebl
Publication date:
April 6, 2023
Article Summary: 

The article from Canadian Mortgage Trends discusses the March jobs data and its potential concerns for the Bank of Canada (BoC). The article highlights that the employment numbers fell short of expectations, signaling potential challenges in the labor market. The BoC closely monitors employment data as it plays a crucial role in shaping monetary policy decisions. The article suggests that the disappointing jobs data may impact the BoC's stance on interest rates and economic stimulus measures. It emphasizes the need to closely monitor future labor market indicators to gauge the overall economic recovery and its potential implications for the housing and mortgage markets.


March jobs data, Bank of Canada (BoC), Concerns, Employment numbers, Labor market, Monetary policy, Interest rates, Economic stimulus, Economic recovery, Housing market, Mortgage market.

Source Citation: 
Steve Huebl
March jobs data “must be worrying” to the Bank of Canada
April 6, 2023
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