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Managing Conflict at Every Stage: Take a Deep Breath and Remember “Serenity Now”

Lyndsey McNally, Colm Brannigan
Publication date:
January 9, 2020
Article Summary: 

This article discusses the inevitability of conflict in condominium communities due to the diverse nature of residents and the challenges faced in maintaining harmonious relationships. The authors emphasize early intervention as a key strategy to address conflicts at their early stages and prevent escalation. They highlight shared facilities disputes as a common area of conflict and stress the importance of establishing a shared facilities committee with a clear vision and agreed-upon long-term plan. Handling conflicts at the Board level is also addressed, encouraging open discussions and respecting differing opinions. The article outlines a stepped approach to conflict resolution, starting with prevention, negotiation, mediation, and, if necessary, arbitration or litigation. The authors advocate for proactive conflict management and the involvement of professional advisors when needed, ultimately striving to achieve a balance and harmony within the condominium community.


Conflict Management, Condominium Communities, Early Intervention, Shared Facilities Disputes, Board Level Conflicts, Preventing Conflict, Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration, Litigation, Proactive Approaches, Professional Advisors, Resolution, Diversity.

Source Citation: 
Lyndsey McNally, Colm Brannigan
Managing Conflict at Every Stage: Take a Deep Breath and Remember “Serenity Now”
January 9, 2020
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