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Legislative Newsflash Ontario - Fire Code Enforcement Crackdown - Sept 2019

Publication date:
September 19, 2019
Article Summary: 

A recent crackdown on Fire Code enforcement is affecting multi-level condominiums in Ontario. Toronto Fire Services and other municipal Fire Services have initiated an inspection blitz to ensure compliance with the Ontario Fire Code. Inspectors are visiting each building at least once per year, and a "zero tolerance" approach is being taken to ensure compliance. Particular attention is given to Part Seven of the Fire Code, which deals with smoke control systems in high-rises. Both the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO) and CCI-Toronto recommend treating Notices of Violation as life safety emergencies and promptly resolving any deficiencies to maintain a good relationship with Fire Services and ensure the safety of residents.


Fire Code Enforcement, Multi-Level Condominiums, Inspection Blitz, Toronto Fire Services, Municipal Fire Services, Ontario Fire Code, Compliance, Notices of Violation, Smoke Control Systems, High-Rises, Life Safety Emergency, Immediate Resolution Approach, Health and Safety, Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario, CCI-Toronto.

Source Citation: 
Legislative Newsflash Ontario - Fire Code Enforcement Crackdown - Sept 2019
September 19, 2019
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