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Legislative Newsflash Ontario – Emergency Orders: Providing Flexibility to Condo Corps re COVID-19 - April 2020

Publication date:
April 27, 2020
Article Summary: 

The article discusses the Emergency Order O. Reg. 107/20 implemented by the Government of Ontario to support corporations, including condo corporations, co-operative corporations, businesses, and not-for-profits during the COVID-19 outbreak. The order provides flexibility to condo corporations by allowing them to hold virtual meetings, extending the time period for holding annual meetings, and addressing additional matters related to meetings for various types of corporations governed under different acts.


Ontario, CondoVoice, Legislative Newsflash, Emergency Orders, COVID-19, Condo Corporations, Co-operative Corporations, Business Corporations, Not-for-profits, O. Reg. 107/20, Virtual Meetings, Annual Meetings, Flexibility, Government of Ontario, Declaration of Emergency, Co-operative Corporations Act, Condominium Act 1998, Corporations Act, Business Corporations Act, Requirements, Flexibility.

Source Citation: 
Legislative Newsflash Ontario – Emergency Orders: Providing Flexibility to Condo Corps re COVID-19 - April 2020
April 27, 2020
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