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Legislative Newsflash – COVID-19 Updates - January 2021- Jan 2021

Publication date:
January 18, 2021
Article Summary: 

As of January 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to worsen in Ontario, including the Greater Toronto Area. The CCI-T Legislative Committee has been monitoring the new governmental restrictions and public health guidelines. The updated restrictions for condominium corporations include mandatory mask-wearing in indoor common areas and recommended mask-wearing outdoors. Physical distancing of at least two meters is required on common elements, with exceptions for caregivers and household members. Indoor gatherings, except with members of the same household, are prohibited, and outdoor gatherings are limited to five people, with physical distancing and face covering rules to be followed. Toronto Public Health recommends closing non-essential common areas like gyms, pools, spas, and playrooms, and non-essential construction is further restricted. Condominium corporations are also subject to reporting obligations regarding COVID-19 cases in their premises.


COVID-19, pandemic, Ontario, Greater Toronto Area, CCI-T Legislative Committee, government restrictions, public health guidelines, mask-wearing, physical distancing, indoor gatherings, outdoor gatherings, common areas, amenities, construction, reporting obligations.

Source Citation: 
Legislative Newsflash – COVID-19 Updates - January 2021- Jan 2021
January 18, 2021
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