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Legislative Newsflash: Condominium Authority Seeks Feedback About Potential Changes to Tribunal’s Rules of Practice

CCI-Toronto Chapter
Publication date:
November 8, 2021
Article Summary: 

The Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) is seeking public input on potential changes to the Condominium Authority Tribunal's (CAT) Rules of Practice. The CAT's jurisdiction will expand on January 1, 2022, to include disputes about noise, odours, smoking, vapours, light, and vibrations. The CAO is particularly interested in feedback on two issues: 1) whether and when legal fees should be awarded to a party, and 2) whether some CAT disputes should follow a hybrid model of combined Mediation-Arbitration. Currently, the CAT's Rules of Practice have a default presumption against awarding party's legal fees unless exceptional reasons exist. The survey is available on the CAO's website, and the deadline for public feedback is Monday, November 15, 2021.


Condominium Authority of Ontario, Condominium Authority Tribunal, CAT, Rules of Practice, jurisdiction expansion, public feedback, legal fees, mediation, adjudication, hybrid model, survey, CAO, disputes, noise, odours, smoking, vapours, light, vibrations.

Source Citation: 
CCI-Toronto Chapter
Legislative Newsflash: Condominium Authority Seeks Feedback About Potential Changes to Tribunal’s Rules of Practice
November 8, 2021
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