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Landlord Misunderstanding?

Toronto Real Blog
Publication date:
November 9, 2022
Article Summary: 

The Toronto Realty Blog discusses the misconceptions that landlords have about leasing agreements in the residential tenancies act. The author recounts experiences of people calling him for real estate advice, thinking he is a public service. Many calls have been about landlord misconduct. The author lists common misunderstandings by landlords. For instance, landlords believe that tenants are required to leave after a one-year lease ends, or that they can raise the rent however they want. These misunderstandings may be borne out of ignorance rather than maliciousness.


Toronto Realty Blog, landlord, leasing agreement, residential tenancies act, misconceptions.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Real Blog
Landlord Misunderstanding?
November 9, 2022
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