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Keeping Condo Meetings Productive

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
August 25, 2019
Article Summary: 

In this article from August 2019, the author discusses how to keep condo meetings productive. They explain that meetings are at the core of how condo corporations operate, and productive meetings leave more time for doing the work of condo management. The article suggests utilizing an agenda to keep everyone focused, discouraging going off-topic, defusing heated discussions by tabling topics for later, and calling on less involved attendees to balance opinions. For town hall or resident meetings, the article recommends establishing meeting rules at the onset, such as acting in a civil and professional manner, limiting speaking time, and refraining from discussing matters requiring board deliberation. The ultimate goal is to keep meetings productive, civil, and on-track to encourage attendance and meaningful discussion.


Condo meetings, productivity, agenda, off-topic, tabling topics, heated discussions, resident meetings, meeting rules, civil, professional, speaking time, board deliberation.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
Keeping Condo Meetings Productive
August 25, 2019
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