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Publication date:
November 18, 2022
Article Summary: 

The blog titled "Insurance Requirements – February 1, 2018" explains the insurance requirements that Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO) has established for Condominium Managers in Ontario, Canada. According to CMRAO, every condominium management company or individual condominium manager must obtain and maintain a minimum amount of insurance coverage, which includes professional liability insurance, commercial general liability insurance, and property insurance. The blog emphasizes that the insurance coverage should meet specific requirements and must be obtained from a licensed insurer in Ontario. Failure to comply with these insurance requirements may result in suspension or revocation of the condominium manager's license.


condominium insurance, condo insurance, condo insurance companies, condo insurance 2018, condo insurance requirements, condo insurance laws, condo association laws

Source Citation: 
November 18, 2022
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