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Important Changes to Fire Code Inspections and Compliance Obligations

Publication date:
November 21, 2019
Article Summary: 

Starting from the last half of 2018, Toronto Fire Services has increased inspections in high-rise buildings for Ontario Fire Code, Part 7 – Smoke Control Inspection and Testing Compliance, which many 905 municipalities have joined. Part 7 requires a building-specific smoke control inspection and testing document with a copy readily available to the fire services inspectors. If a corporation does not have one, it must obtain one. Part 7 inspection and testing is required quarterly and is not included in normal fire inspection contracts. Failure to comply with Part 7 and all other areas of the OFC can lead to potential severe consequences, including fines for first offences up to $150,000 and subsequent offences up to $1.5 million.


Ontario Fire Code, Smoke Control Inspection, Compliance, High-rise buildings, Toronto Fire Services, Notice of Violation, Condominium corporations, Fines, Part 7, Inspections, Testing.

Source Citation: 
Important Changes to Fire Code Inspections and Compliance Obligations
November 21, 2019
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