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Impact of the Information Age on Condo Living

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
October 26, 2018
Article Summary: 

This article from October 2018 highlights the challenges posed by the information age on condo living. The accessibility of information over the internet has made it difficult for condo corporations to make good choices as anyone can present themselves as an expert while espousing unsubstantiated opinion. Information overload is also a problem, as the human brain is not designed to multitask, leading to over-stimulation and a lack of decisiveness. Additionally, maintaining pre-existing beliefs is easier than accepting conflicting information from experts. To combat these challenges, directors of condo corporations should fight back against information overload and the preference of belief over fact. Condo owners should elect and support directors who are predisposed to better information management and reliance on fact.


information age, Internet, accessibility, expertise, information overload, fact, emotion, decision making, condo living, directors, information management, belief

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
Impact of the Information Age on Condo Living
October 26, 2018
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